Sleep Is Important
The amount and quality of sleep we get is very important for our overall health and well being. A stop snoring product or remedy can make the difference in rest and social well being, too. Many a couple has experienced difficulties due to one partner having a snoring problem, with the snorer sometimes being banished from the bedroom! One woman found a very easy remedy to stop her husband snoring, using something you may already have in the house and if not, usually easily available locally. Read on to find out what this stop snoring aid is.
What Causes Snoring
To find a way to curtail the snoring, you must determine what causes it. Sometimes this is a simple matter of asking the person you sleep with, but there are contributing factors you need to know before finding a stop snoring remedy.
Some of the causes of snoring are:
- Sinus problems cause a person to breathe entirely through the mouth, which provides more opportunity for snoring.
- Sleeping on the back is the best possible way to invoke snoring.
- Age plays a key part in snoring because of the narrowing of the throat and loss of muscle tone as a person ages.
- Medications, smoking, and alcohol all add to the relaxing of throat muscles and can contribute to the problem.
- Overweight people tend to snore more than those in good physical shape.
- Men have narrower airways than women, so gender has something to do with snoring, as well as other physical characteristics that may make snoring inevitable without a stop snoring remedy.
- Some snoring problems are easier to control than others based on the cause and the severity of the problem. Losing weight, cutting down on alcohol consumption, clearing the nasal passages, and not smoking are all good ways to help the problem.
Ways To Decrease Snoring
Other important steps to take that may help decrease the snoring are:
- Establishing regular sleeping habits, especially with your partner, can lead to better rest for the both of you.
- Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier because dry air leads to sinus irritation and congestion.
- Elevate your head during sleep approximately four inches above the mattress and tilt the head forward, lessening the probability of sleeping with the mouth open.
If you don’t know what causes the snoring but want to try something to stop it – try this woman’s remedy to stop her husband snoring:
A stop snoring remedy is a culmination of several individual things you can do to improve your sleeping process. Each little thing you do can help ease the problem. Even a reduction in the amount of snoring is better than nothing at all, and your sleeping partner will appreciate any relief they can get. So you have nothing to lose by trying any or all of these stop snoring remedies.