Sleep Insomnia Causes

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or elseĀ  wake up early and not be able to go back to sleep. This means you will probably still feel tired when you get up, with your energy level and mood both low. It will also affect your quality of life, health and work performance.


Sleep insomnia can be caused by many factors, including an abnormal sleep-wake schedule, excessive time spent in bed, and daytime napping. Insomnia patients often use these strategies to make up for perceived sleep loss, which makes it more difficult to go to sleep and stay asleep. Chronic insomnia is often treated with medication, though it can have side effects, including addiction and impaired thinking and balance.

Insomnia is a common ailment, affecting one third of the population. Fortunately, it is not life-threatening and only five per cent of the people who suffer from it need medical attention. Many cases of insomnia are transient and can be related to stress, jet lag, or changes in sleeping environment. Some acute medical conditions can also cause insomnia, which can be treated with prescription medicines and stimulants. A health professional may also suggest lifestyle changes to improve sleep hygiene.

Medical conditions, such as chronic pain, asthma, and diabetes, can interfere with sleep. Certain medications can also cause sleep disturbances, including those used to treat depression, anxiety, and hypertension. Older adults may also be more susceptible to sleep insomnia because they use more prescription medications. Many of these drugs contain stimulants that interfere with sleep.

Insomnia can also be caused by a variety of factors, including alcohol consumption and certain foods. Alcohol and spicy foods can disrupt the circadian rhythm, keeping the mind active during the night. Also, heavy meals can be hard on the digestive system and prevent deep sleep. Mental health conditions may also cause sleep problems, as nearly 40% of all insomniacs have a mental health disorder. These disorders may cause pervasive negative thoughts and mental hyperarousal. Insomnia is often exacerbated by mood disorders and can increase the risk of suicide in people who suffer from depression.

Causative Factors

Stress, overscheduling, and the use of electronics in the bedroom are among the many factors that contribute to sleeplessness in teens and adults. Changing body composition and positioning in bed can also be problematic, as can hormonal changes that affect breathing. Insomnia can also lead to snoring and sleep apnea, as the digestive system slows down during sleep.

Genetic factors have also been implicated in the etiology of insomnia. Studies conducted in twins have demonstrated the presence of genetic factors in people who experience sleep disturbances. Behavioral strategies involving reducing the time spent in bed can improve the quality and duration of sleep. In addition to behavioral strategies, neurofeedback also helps in treating depression.

Insomnia is a common problem that affects about 35 percent of adults in the United States. This disorder can interfere with one’s ability to work and play, and can even lead to a higher risk of auto accidents. Insomnia can lead to other serious health effects, including excessive daytime sleepiness, poor performance, and impaired cognitive abilities. If you suffer from insomnia, snoring or sleep apnea, it’s important to seek professional help for treatment.