Sleeping in a Recliner vs Bed

Grandpa is napping in his recliner and snoring – is this the picture you have of snoozing in a chair? It may not be correct. Some people have found sleeping reclined to reduce snoring by altering the position of the head. But is it healthy to sleep overnight in a recliner?

Recliner Versus Bed

Sleeping in a recliner versus a bed can have different effects on your body and overall sleep quality. Here are some factors to consider for each option:

Sleeping in a Recliner

Positive Aspects

Back and Neck Support

Recliners provide good support for your back and neck, which can be beneficial for individuals with certain medical conditions or back problems. The inclined position may reduce pressure on the lower back.

Breathing Improvement – Snoring reduced

For some people, especially those with conditions like sleep apnea or snoring issues, sleeping in a reclined position might help open the airways and improve breathing.

Acid Reflux Relief

The elevated position of a recliner can help reduce symptoms of acid reflux by keeping the stomach contents lower, preventing them from flowing back into the esophagus.

Negative Aspects

Limited Space

Recliners may not offer as much space and freedom of movement as a bed. This could be a consideration if you tend to move a lot during sleep.

Not Ideal for Everyone

While recliners may be suitable for certain health conditions, they might not be the best choice for everyone. Prolonged use of a recliner for sleep may lead to discomfort or stiffness for some individuals, as a recliner may not offer as much support for the rest of the body.

Sleeping in a Bed

Comfort and Space

Beds typically offer more space and are designed for comfort, allowing you to move freely during sleep. They come in various mattress types and firmness levels to suit individual preferences.

Proper Spinal Alignment

A good mattress and pillow combination can provide proper spinal alignment, which is essential for overall back health and quality sleep.


Beds can accommodate various sleeping positions, making them suitable for different preferences. You can choose the mattress and pillows that best suit your needs.


In a bed, there’s less chance of restricting blood circulation, which can be a concern with prolonged sitting in a recliner.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, personal preference plays a significant role. Some people find recliners more comfortable, especially if they have specific health concerns, while others prefer the space and flexibility that a bed provides.

Health and Sleep Needs

It’s important to note that the best choice depends on individual needs, preferences, and any existing health conditions. If you have specific health concerns or sleep issues, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.